The Hero New Orleans Deserves...
A writer by the screen name of Scartarius has written a story about a young super hero named Kestrel Thomas. The icing on top? The writer...

San Diego Comic Con Level Noob
For years I've wanted to go to San Diego Comic Con, also referred to as, the big one, Geek Mecca, and so on and so forth... This year I...

Blast from the past!
Guess what was on sale (half price, I might add) at Goodwill? THE ACN VIDEO PHONE! Lol I did an advertisement, my very fist commerical...
Can't get enough of your love, babe
So in, I think summer of 2011, I booked a gig in the recording studio with Hallmark. Me and two other fabulously talented ladies met in a...
In honor of #ThrowbackThursday...."Growth"
So here's this gem I created during my undergrad at UMKC. It took me two full days, no sleep, to create it and was a over 4000 frames of...
I've read "The Mountaintop"
Golly-gee-willickers! If you haven't read, seen or even heard about "The Mountaintop" by Katori Hall, I highly suggest you get on that!...

It's...a Fringe!
"How's the Go-Going?" was my debut performance at any Fringe festival ever! This dark comedy was perfromed at the beautiful Lyceum...